Monday, March 2, 2009

Hello Everyone....

I know I promised pictures awhile ago but I haven't had time to hardly even sleep let alone post pictures. However, I will try to get to it very soon.

The abode is still the same. However, I did finally get part of my kitchen painted. This has been a work in progress since I moved into the home. I didn't realize how bad the walls were until I started trying to prep them to paint. Needless to say, we're still mudding trying to fix some of the walls so they'll look good once painted. I forgot how much work older homes were to remodel, even something just as simple as painting is a royal pain in a home where the walls are totally crooked. Oh well... I'm finally getting it! I'd post more about the home life but it really hasn't changed and is just getting more frustrating day by day. We're working through things but again, I'm just frustrated so I'll leave it at that for tonight. The work life is the same, totally busy. This is very good because of job security but also very bad because it means there are a lot more families that are in dysfunction right now.

I finished another class and pretty happy about that especially since I got an "A". Oh... for those of you who need college text books, go to you'll seriously save TONS! Well... better go hang with the family. Hope all is well with everyone. I'm hoping that I'm back to myself very soon and once I'm back to myself, that means I'll blog more again. Loves to all....

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