Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Bad Week!!

Well can you say bad week! It's either that or I am having one heck of a pitty party this week. Lets see, both my dryer and vacuum broke on Sunday and the repair guy for the dryer can't come until Friday of this week. I hope it won't cost too much to fix my dryer. When I get paid again, I'll go by a new vacuum but until then, I'll just have to borrow my moms SUCK! My laptop keeps shutting itself down and I have no idea why. I really think I need a new one maybe I'll get lucky and Santa will bring me one for Christmas LOL.... It wouldn't be such a big deal if I only needed to use it occasionally but I need it for school. Oh and for those of you who don't know, I work for the State of Utah which has recently mandated us working 4 10's and it's kicking my butt this week. It's really nice to have a 3 day weekend but so hard to work the 10 hour days sometimes. I guess the hours really don't bother me, what bothers me is being away from Ava from 6:30am to 6:00pm. So by the time I get home from work, I only get to see her for maybe 2 or 3 hours before she goes to bed. I'm really struggling with the hours this week because it prevented one of my very good friends from coming back to work off of maternity leave. So I guess work just really sucks this week.

I'm sorry that I posted a "pitty" post but just needed somewhere to type my frustrations!


My Three Sons said...

Hey who better than us to listen. I think once you adjust to your new hours, you'll like them. It gives you 52 more days off a year. I have worked that and even 3-12hours and loved both of them. Just give it some time.

How's school? My classes so far are just a review. My math and english are re-enty and I have both of those instructors on board to let me do most of my work on line. Then when I have a test coming up I will just schedule what time I will take it in the learning center. So that is going to give me back 3 hours in my day twice a week. I'm trying to get that from my History teacher as well. He puts all of his lectures on line so I really don't see the point in sitting in his class. It's my money right???? Anyways, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that is way too busy.

Take care,


Amanda said...

Hooray for pity parties! I've been having quite the good one for myself too. Sounds like we need to get together! :)

My Three Sons said...

To answer your question (and funny you should ask), I stopped going three weeks ago because I wanted to adjust to school. I have lost a total of 9.4lbs and I may have gained a couple of pounds back but honestly, I think I have kept most of it off. Since I have talked two of the three instructors into letting me go on-line with them, I actually called my trainer and I'm starting back up tomorrow at 9:00. So I will probably be really sore tomorrow and will hurt to bad to type. We will see.

mommy to Kaden, Brody and angel Ava said...

I can understand the frustrations with work and home life. I too am very frustrated with work. Most nights I do not get off until at least 7:30...Kaden's bedtime is 8:00. Needless to say, he has been staying up past his bedtime. I am now looking for another job : ). I think though that you might start liking the new schedule once you get use to it. Nate use to work 4 10's and he too, enjoyed the 3 day weekend. If only we could get paid to be stay at home mom's, that would be the best job in the world!!! One can wish.

gunnarson said...

sorry about your bad week! :( Egan loved 4 10's. In time you probably will too. Everyone needs a pity party now and then!

4 Week Slimdown said...

I am sorry about the 4 10s that would for sure be hard being away from Ava that long. I bet when you get home you are dead tired too and want to be awake to spend time playing with her. I hope it ends up working out for you. :) But yeah just make sure you are getting 8 hours of sleep makes a big difference even with thf